# GTNash guides:
- [Developper's guide](
- User's guide: See Jupyter notebooks below.
## Using GTNash with [SageMath](
To be able to use GTNash with Jupyter notebook, the package must be installed in sage python.
While the file is present at the root, open a terminal in the root of the repertory a execute the following command:
Or if you need to use relative path:
"path_to_sage"/sage -pip install -e "path to repository"/gtnash/
If executed properly, you should be able to have the following output when using sage:
│ SageMath version 9.4, Release Date: 2021-08-22 │
│ Using Python 3.9.5. Type "help()" for help. │
sage: import gtnash
sage: gtnash
<module 'gtnash' from '"Path to the repository"/gtnash/gtnash/'>
Another possibility, if you are using Sagemath in Jupyter, is to open a Python 3 notebook (in the gtnash/ directory) and execute a cell containing the command:
pip install -e .
## 3 ways to use Jupyter instance hosting notebooks on the GTNash library.
This repository is hosting a Dockerfile enabling binder to expose the GTNash project Notebooks.
More information on [Binder](
By clicking on the icon on top, you should acces to a jupyter instance hosting the notebooks.
[SIWAA]( is a web site hosting interactive tools and applications.
A direct access to the jupyter launcher -->
### Launching a Jupyter notebook on your own computer (Linux)
This is another way to use the notebooks by launching a jupyter instance on your localhost.
Copy/Paste the command line on a teminal.
docker run -p 8888:8888
and click this link
* `docker container list` : to list the containers running and get the ids
* `docker stop [idOfTheContainer]` : to stop the container
* `docker pull` : to update the local image of the container.
A straightforward and simple tuto dedicated to the 20.04 of Ubuntu : [Comment installer Docker sur Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Focal Fossa
**To update the image of the container** hosted on the [registry]( of this repository
Follow the link: